Paper Submission:
Submit the 1st draft of the full paper (up to 12-15 pages) OR an extended abstract (600-1000 words approx.) by November 15th (1st deadline) / December 15th, 2024 (final deadline).
No specific template is required for submission of the initial draft of the paper. The template to follow is to be decided after the publication decision is made by the editorial committee of the conference.
Please upload an anonymous PDF for your first draft submission. Any identifying details in the text of the paper must be deleted until the paper is accepted for publication.
Please contact the conference chair at if you have any persistent issues with the submission system.
Please submit by the deadline.
Templates for Final Camera-Ready Version:
EDP Web of Conferences Proceedings Template & Copyright Form:
AIP Scopus-indexed Proceedings Template & Copyright Form:
Final Camera-Ready Paper Submission Guidelines
Final papers should be no more than 12 - 15 pages maximum (including abstract, references, appendix, etc.). However, longer papers may be considered wherever it's absolutely necessary. Please consult the editor and explain your case when the paper is expected to be longer than 15 pages.
Final camera-ready papers will NOT be accepted without a formal PDF plagiarism report from or
Authorship, Presentation & Publication:
No paper will be published without a formal presentation at the ETLTC2025 Conference.
Authors may opt to present in face-to-face sessions or virtual mode.
Please prepare a complete PowerPoint/Keynote presentation for the LIVE Zoom presentation session. Even onsite presenters will be in Zoom when making their presentations.
The virtual authors can (A) submit a pre-recorded screencast video of their presentation with simultaneous virtual live presence when the video is streamed or (B) make their presentation live via Zoom.
Paper Length for Online Proceedings:
Full papers (12-15 pages or longer whenever necessary, with 5000-8000 words approx.). These include mainly accomplished research results.Work-in-progress papers will also be considered.
Paper Content-Type:
Full Research Paper
Teaching Experience
Project Experience
Software Review
Teaching or Research Position Paper
Other Review Papers
Paper Submission Review Process:
All submissions to ETLTC 2025 must be made electronically via the designated online submission and peer review system. First-time users must create an author account and submit their papers.
The final CAMERA-READY paper submission link will be sent at a later date to all participants who are accepted for the conference presentation.
All manuscripts/abstracts are considered to be the editors will do confidential and initial screening, members of the editorial board, or qualified ad hoc reviewers.
Selected authors submitting papers and/or abstracts to the conference MAY BE requested to review a paper or abstract submitted by another author. This is in line with our conference policy of collaborative peer review. Please read this before submitting the paper/abstract to the conference.
By submitting your proposal to the conference, you automatically accept to review one or two papers from other submitting authors.
Papers will be forwarded for peer review only after the initial screening is done by the editor, and the paper/abstract is considered appropriate to be considered for peer review. A double-blind review, where authors’ and reviewers' identities are NOT known to each other, is applied. Only the first author of a paper will be contacted.
In the case of a favorable review decision, the authors must make acceptable changes and re-submit the final version online.
The final decision to accept/reject a paper will be taken by the editorial committee.
Please check the CALL FOR PAPERS guidelines for additional instructions on manuscript preparation and content appropriateness.
We have some flexibility with the word limit, but full papers, in most cases, should be between 12-15 pages in length (discuss with the editor for longer papers).
Work-in-progress papers between 6-15 pages are welcome as well.
We will check all submitted papers for originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation, and clarity of exposition. Simultaneous submission of the same work to multiple venues, submission of previously published work, or plagiarism constitutes dishonesty or fraud. ETLTC and the ACM Chapter on Elearning and Technical Communication prohibit these practices and may take action against authors who have committed them.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at or if you have additional questions.
Paper Focus:
We welcome papers on the various topics of ICT Integration in Technical Education as highlighted in the CFP.
The conference proceedings also welcome review or tutorial articles and other works that provide useful summaries, background information, or introductions to specific fields of research. We also welcome articles that provide a historical perspective or review. The publisher understands that the specifics of the review process will need to be according to the community’s and conference’s traditions or expectations. Keep in mind that although proceedings include a broader range of article types, they should not include poor quality or inferior work that is fundamentally unworthy of publication.
Each manuscript will be evaluated according to the following minimum criteria.
Contribution: Would the publication of the article make a positive contribution to the scientific literature? What would you gain by reading it?
An article’s contribution does not need to be new or unpublished results; for example, it can have the following attributes:
New explanations of familiar topics
Excellent descriptions or explanations of complex subjects
Tutorials or review articles
Useful or interesting background information
Enjoyable and informed historical perspective or overview
Be more than an abstract (we reject 1-page, abstract-only articles)
Have merit (through its rigor, accuracy, or correctness)
Be original (previously unpublished and solely the work of the author)
Include an abstract (with a sufficient summary of the paper and outline of goals, results, and conclusion, including conveying sufficient understanding when read in isolation from the paper)
Have an adequate title (correctly describes the article such that reading it alone would convey the nature and content)
Have reasonable conclusions (based on the results presented, or ideas/concepts discussed)
Is clear and concise (well-expressed ideas readable and understandable by its intended readership)
Uses correct English (sufficiently conveys the science and intent/meaning or purpose)
Poorly written papers will be returned to the authors for re-writing or will be rejected if the author is unable or unwilling to make the recommended improvements.
References will depend on the type of article; however, here are some general questions you may like to consider.
Do the references look appropriate for the topic? Are key papers missing that you would expect to see?
Is the distribution of journals and publications cited, and the age of the citations, appropriate?
Do the references demonstrate that the author is aware of current and key research in their field?
Papers accepted for Scopus-indexed proceedings may take a longer time to get published, due to multiple editorial revisions required. You should consider the timeline to be similar to Scopus -indexed journal publication where the wait time is quite long. There is nothing the conference organizers can do to speed up this process of publication if authors fail to follow the proceedings template with precision.
However, papers submitted to a non-Scopus indexed proceedings track are expected to have a much faster turnaround time.
The decision to publish a paper in the Scopus vs. non-Scopus indexed proceedings is taken by the editorial committee, and may or may not include the preference of the author, depending on the reviewer comments and the quality of the paper, the domain of study, and the conference track.
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